The Matthew 25 Vision
Heights Presbyterian Church is an official Matthew 25 church. As such, we are committed to showing forth the love of Christ in the Heights. Matthew 25 is a movement of the Presbyterian Church (USA) dedicated to eradicating systemic poverty, dismantling structural racism, and growing congregational vitality. HPC’s primary focus is eradicating systemic poverty through ministries that feed the hungry (“for I was hungry and you gave me food”—Matt. 25:35).
In recognition of the many elderly and unhoused facing food insecurity in our neighborhood, we currently provide ministries that include a monthly Community Meal every fourth Saturday, a Clothes Closet, and a Food Pantry. Through these and future ministries, we seek to promote social righteousness and exhibit the Kingdom of Heaven to the world, two of the Great Ends of the Church. For further information on Matthew 25, we invite you to watch our Matthew 25 Sermon Series and read more about the Vision of Matthew 25.