

Sunday - 11am or via facebook live. Childrens church during worship service at 11 am.

HPC Board of Session

The session is the governing council of the congregation. Elders are elected to three-year terms. The HPC session consists of four committees responsible for each of the following spheres of activity:

  • Mission & Outreach - coordinates all missional activity of the congregation, including the community meal, clothes closet, and food pantry
  • Spiritual Life - oversees all non-mission aspects of congregational life, including worship and education
  • Admin & Finance - oversees stewardship of financial resources and maintains membership rolls
  • Buildings & Grounds - oversees and maintains all facilities and property

Alice Grable

Mission & Outreach Co-Chair

Alice is a longtime member of Heights Presbyterian Church. She is Co-Chair of the Mission and Outreach Committee and serves as the Administrative Assistant for the church office.

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Alice is a longtime member of Heights Presbyterian Church. She is Co-Chair of the Mission and Outreach Committee and serves as the Administrative Assistant for the church office.

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Candace Demary

Mission & Outreach Co-Chair

Candace has been a member of Heights Presbyterian Church since January 2024 and is the Co-Chair of the Outreach and Missions Committee.  Candace is a family law attorney.  She is married to Thomas Demary and has three children.

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Candace has been a member of Heights Presbyterian Church since January 2024 and is the Co-Chair of the Outreach and Missions Committee.  Candace is a family law attorney.  She is married to Thomas Demary and has three children.

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Candy Downing

Spiritual Life Chair

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Stephanie Goldsby

Admin & Finance Chair

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Terry Myers

Buildings & Grounds Co-Chair

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Al Cisne

Buildings & Grounds Co-Chair

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